Get Installment Loan

An installment loan is technically any loan that comes in a fixed amount that you regularly pay interest and fees in the payment. Personal loans, student loans and car loans are technically installment loans. However, most of the loans that refer to lenders as installment loans are a type of short-term loan

A good place to start shopping for installment loan is with your local bank or credit union, where you already have an established relationship with the potential lender. And if you are approved for installment loan from your local bank or credit union, where you already have accounts like check or savings account, then you can qualify for a discounted interest rate.

These installments come in large amounts of debt and its payday loans are longer than cousins, although they are usually smaller than your average personal loan. They can also come with higher rates than personal loans. You can usually borrow up to $ 5,000 and take six months to five years to repay it..

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